Mercurial Link to Download-Here Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer (anything else would be too quick) Recommended Party Size: 1v1 or 2v2...
Chasm [IMG] Link To Download-Here Gametypes: CTF, Team Slayer, Assault Recommended Party Size: 8-12 Inspiration: the inspiration for this map...
I was flipping through my Itunes playlists and realized that Stairway to Heaven was my most played song with 122 plays, so i was wondering, what...
i'm making a 3v3/4v4 map, and i was wondering how many power weapons i should put on the map, it is a medium sized map with some open sight lines...
i'm making a sig, and i was wondering if there were any cool quotes i could use in it eg. xVxV3ndettA has "This, is the purpose of life- John...
This is the first sig i have made, i followed ak1knight's gimp tutorial and i transferred the skills from that on to this: [IMG] this is the...
[IMG] [IMG] i know it's a crappy image but i'm using it anyway cause I made it! +++Download Here+++ Ascent is my first posted map that is not...
i created a thread like this in the premiums section on the old website, but since premiums is no more, i thought i would make a new one in...
i was interested to see where some of you people gather inspiration for your maps from, mine come to me just before i go to sleep.
Passage +++Download Here+++ Passage is a small symetrical map that is designed for 1v1 but can be used for up to 4 player free for all (any more...
Submerged +++Download Here+++ Submerged is a small 1v1 or 2v2 symmetrical map that has an elevated floor, which allows open boxes and double...
Observation +++Download Here+++ Description: Observation is a medium sized, symmetrical map that is built for symmetrical gametypes (duhh...)...
Hold-Out Hold-Out is an a-symetrical map designed almost exclusively for One-Bomb...
Divide Download Here divide is a foundry map cut down the middle with a one box high wall i have placed two open double boxes to allow you to...
Structure Structure is an a-symetrical map that has a main building in the centre and 4...