Project Z By The ABCrew (Shad0w Viper & Tex) Probably the ABCrew's best map to date, with several amazing and intuitive features implemented,...
Odeum Created by N1NJ4 Gametypes Supported: All Gametypes Recommended Players: 2-4 Odeum, a map inspired by Halo: CE map Longest, will instill...
Paragon by: TDHarding Gametypes Supported: Team Slayer Para Flag (One-Flag Variant) Para Bomb (One-Bomb Variant) Recommended Party Size: 2-4...
Bayonetwork CreatedBy: Thesilencebroken and BlazeIsGod Gametypes Supported; FFA Slayer [2-6 players] Team Slayer [2v2-3v3] Team Doubles [2v2v2]...
Troika Created by NeverlessWonder and Tender Bisquit Gametypes Supported: All Gametypes Recommended Players: 2-8 Troika is an asymmetric map much...
Martyrdom Created by: BlazeIsGod Martyrdom is a semi-symmetrical map that is based around a sewer system, or more precisely, the ruined pipe...
Forging 101: Merging Movable Objects with Map Geometry It is widely known that forgers are able to merge immovable objects into map geometry...
Project S Created by Tex and Shad0w Viper Project S is a small, completely enclosed beautiful map created by the two members of the abcrew....
Ok, on one of my rare ventures into the forums i found a diamond in the rough, a smart bungie forum member. This thread shows you an easy...
[IMG] Another of my random blue room shots that i thought was cool.
[IMG] I took this pic in a random blue room fight one day, i hope you like it. The name was very spontaneous, feel free to suggest alternatives.
Crescent Download Link: Here Recommended Party Size: 2-6 Recommended Gametypes: 2V2 Slayer, 3V3 One-Flag and most FFA gametypes. My latest...
This thread shall become a list of map names that have been overused (more than once) anyway, here are some: Warehouse Complex Facility...
[img] ahhh the possibilties of bubble shields...
Deviation Download Link: Here Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, One-Flag Recommended Party Size: 4-8 Players Deviation is a medium-sized...
[IMG] Prayer just a screen i took of me dying in oddball thread
Kashmir Highlands Link To Download - Here Link To CTF Variant - Here Recommended Party Size - 2v2 or 2-5 player FFA Supported Gametypes - All...
this is where we can discuss anything to do with morrowind (and oblivion if we get REALLY bored) me and GWS will probably begin by continuing our...
last night in the shoutbox i found that there is a strong Australian community within forgehub, so i made this thread. This thread is where all...
Fractured [IMG] This map has been featured on Forge Hub, please post your comments here Download V1-Here Download V2-here Download...