I only beat the DS version sadly.
Yeah I saw that on albino black sheep I watched it all the time.
Im getting it. but in the demo I turn Runner Vision off becuase it feels more natural that way.
Hello there good sir,how are you on this fine day.
Jesus it probably took days to make that.
No i didnt make em I just found em.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eQ4MwsnA5s&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6jSnTrmh3o&feature=related...
[IMG] 5th sig I tried with gimp. Yeah I know it suckz just have to post it to get your opinions and criticsm a C&C.becuase so far every sig I...
Better than anything I did for my first.
Im so screwed why do all the good games have to come out in fall im overloaded I dont no what to choose.
OMG im sorry i lololololollolololed the moment I saw that picture its messed up I feel bad for the man.
I have never gone number 2 in a public bathroom never never never thats the truth. I only use a public bathroom for number 1.
Maby he also could have freezed to death.
Lol wtf why is he doing that lol even though he was doing push ups to keep warmer it looks wrong.
Alcohol does harm if somebody happens to get drink to much and drive a car or operate machinery(other than that it sould not be as deadly to...
They think the cause of death was freezing to death it said the tempature dropped to -2 Degrees Celcius. It was in Canada right?
Thats horrible
I will update this with new videos when I can. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgwtEaC3quo&feature=rec-HM-fresh+div...
Dude it makes me want to practice free running again but I just dont want to blow my knees out trying.