[IMG] That's right the second screen shot pack is here EARLY! Before the pics this is something i like to do everyone few months for the...
Hey not sure if this is the right place but it's about halo so here it goes. I love playing custom games and forging yet unfortunately none of...
OK what i give you today fellow screen shot lovers were some of the half arsed pics i considered for my 2nd screen shot pack due out February 5th....
Hello there friends I am once again posting a new thread. But unlike the previous ones this one has something to do with a group that I am a part...
hey everyone Ultimatez (Sav3 Us222) here after releasing my previous 5 screenshots im releasing my next few now so here are the pictures!: [IMG]...
I'm Pretty sure im in the right forum section for this if not the sorry. this isnt a map post because it doesnt have a download link i am just...
OK these to screenshots were takien at the same time as the others. during my hour of nothing but screenshot taking. these were two others that i...
Small Screeshot pack These 3 pics will be the first screenshots i have uploaded. i made these screenshots around midnight with several others and...
Hello Everyone this is my first map post i've done on Forgehub and i have a pretty good idea of what to do so here it goes Backstory: A Group of...
hi im not really new here but i havent been that active so i thought now is the time i could introduce myself so here it goes: Hi everyone i'm...