Dude we're in perfectly opposite situations. I haven't made a map for a long while because it was too time consuming and I had to commit more time...
Holy crap man. Debo just linked me here. That kraken looks so bossly. Wiggly creatures are nearly impossible to create with forge objects and it...
Christ I had no idea you were so talented.
Another vid with my friends and I. We'd appreciate a rate, comment maybe even a subscribe if you're feeling particularly generous today. YouTube...
Oh, I thought you meant a second language class. Yeah, we're required to take pretty much every credit except science all through high school....
Huh, I don't know about an extra language class but we are required to take an extra philosophy class called TOK. Do you know if you'll have to do...
You're in IB? In Maryland!? Naw. Do you guys have to do an extended essay and CAS and everything too?
Coolness. Make sure to link me to both of those once they're out. I've got to go now though. Talk to you some time later.
Tshhh. You're just being nice. My friends usually maim any hint of a script I try to get them to follow. I remember you talking about the 12...
That's what I hear (the hard to get into bit). I haven't even realistically considered it much. Just local universities and scholarship offers. I,...
Hot dayum, USC. That's some serious business from what I hear. I've actually been aspiring to attend it for a while since hearing they don't...
That's awesome. Are you a senior now or have you graduated?
Cool. Are you pursuing it as a career?
Say, aren't you a big film guy?
Dayum you people are lucky. I went back August 13th. I'm a senior. I still feel like a sophomore though.
Grats man! Thought I had a chance with the first go-about but yeh outdid everyone =]
mine =] Naw, I don't really have a British accent. I'm sure anyone who does could tell you I sound like an idiot.
I'm the narrator. I was holding the camera the whole time in this one.
See? This is what I mean. How the hell did you find this search function in B.net? I had no idea it existed. Thanks though, mick. How'd you get...
****... maybe. :P