Yes. Indeed.
Cool. What kind is it?
You! Didn't you say a while back you've got a pretty good quality video camera?
Something's... different. I can't place my finger on it.
Scope: Thanks! Altogether it was about 4 hours. I did the first half like a month ago and dusted off the sketchbook just last night to finish it....
I just finished this last night. I'm pretty proud of it! The sketchy lighting and reddening of the image is due to my poor quality camera. It...
did you ever figure out how to embed youtube vids on bungie?
Why thank you sir! I just google image'd a muzzle flash and used a black box effect to eliminate the black background it had. I'm surprised with...
Now that I have your attention, please watch, comment, and rate the video my friends and I just filmed. Yes, this is how we spend Thanksgiving in...
Thank you folks! The "this" is extremely tantilizing but my mind does not want to explode. What would make a really cool speed drawing video?
So, I'm in the mood to draw something. But I can't think of what to draw. So it would be awesome if all you creative g&a folks would give me...
Cool! I'll have to try blending with my finger nail. I'm really glad you like all of the work! BTW, I wish I could use hatch shading like you can...
Oh wait I just remembered a speed drawing video I did just last summer. Try to ignore the cheesy music. My editing software "examined" the video...
Thanks! I'm a senior too. I haven't really posted any art on FH other than the color pencil chief drawing. I just never thought of it. Anywhoozle,...
Hello there sir! I was looking though your art gallery thread and really like all of your stuff. I was wondering if you'd take a look at some of...
Hot damn. That's just amazing. Did you have a picture for reference with these or is it all straight from your mind? If it's the latter I consider...
I especially mean things like the teeny tiny details in the upper-left brow. It's eempossible
Yes. Exactly. I'm keeping him from getting laid. But seriously, how long have you been drawing? EDIT: ah, I see the answer there. How's...
Goddamn that's so amazing. I've never been able to get that realistic of a metallic look with just colored pencils. You're seriously the most...
Guffaw! A challenger approaches! Seriously man, that's flippin' amazing. To war then.