Aren't they remaking spider-man too? I was pretty sure they were going to relaunch it so Peter Parker could be a member.
My friends and I decided to put our minds in the gutter. YouTube - Innuendo Man
This is unkay.
I just got a mac and Final Cut Express, so I decided to put together a random-ass short film. Feedback is appreciated! YouTube- HNR - Battle...
The cheerleader's my sister when she was 12.... anyhewsle, thanks for the complements!
YouTube- HalfNakedRodeo - Not Skiing Your friends may be possessed.
In a car. YouTube - Rave in a Car - Galaxy Eater
that explains it. Only people using IE can do it, even through a quote.
Say, do you use firefox?
There was water. It froze :[
The latest short film of mine. Feedback is greatly appreciated! YouTube- The Quest for HD
Just saw Inglourious Basterds. What did you think of it?
Bah, lucky.
I've been trying to find a way around the fact that my computer doesn't recognize avchd and realized that movie edit pro can convert it to mpeg....
So since you have a mac, when you want to get videos from your camera to the computer do you use a firewire cable?
I see. I've been trying to look things like that up for the university of colorado but their website is terrible.
Ah. Would you happen to know whether most film programs require you buy a specific camera or supply one?
Sorry about the double. I've been using Movie Edit Pro for software since getting into the hobby. I think it's a Vegas lookalike but it seems...
I'm getting an hdr-cx100 for Christmas as a first step into HD. Do you edit on a PC?