Hey, I might make a map like that on Foundry but may I use your game type?
This has helped very much in my maps! Thanks peeps lol...
Hey is the Vahlala a mod since I've heard of a mod like the one used in your machinima and sweet man this is one of the best machinima's i've seen.
I wanted to change the size so it could be like a ACTUALLY building plus I wanted this map for a infection gametype. I am also thinking of the...
First of all the pictures above are the pictures of a draft and I chose to make it since it was basic because I am not the BEST forger around.
Hey, I am currently trying to make the something close to a barracks from Halo Wars on Halo 3. For some of you people who have no idea what to...
idk how to link it...
It looks very nice and unique to me. I give it 4/5
Hey if anybody can help me forge something that would be great...
Hey since all this stuff about asymmetric things. What does asymmetric do to the map?
so your saying i should try forging it even if it's really hard?
I have wanted to make a map but it was so hard to make that i didn't think i could do it so i made instructions for anybody who wanted to make it....
Thanks for the ideas since this is the first map I have published.
[IMG][IMG] WatchOutAbove By: ShadowFox70 I have made this map in about a hour but I think this is a good map. I also got this idea off of...
Hey on the thread GoldMines what did you mean you could make the pictures decent?
I have already looked at those before though. Right when I joined ForgeHub.
Hello, I am making a Map called "Guard House" and today I will be showing some of my progress. I hope you like it so far. The main overview of...
I am working on a map now and I was wondering if I could post a New Thread to see how my work is doing and if anybody has suggestions on if I...
Well... I don't want to make a pathway but a big platform... Do i just make your step bigger?
Hello, I need idea's on how to make a floating platform with bridges that are evenly spread and have the bridges floating above nowhere in...