I wanted one so I could design things in my computer class at school because I have so much free time.
Is there an accurate map of Tempest for Google Sketch 8? That would be very helpful because I tend to use much of the maps geography to make my...
I tried that. It doesn't work. If the object isn't the default settings, it doesn't delete.
Is there a tempest canvas?
That is very true indeed. I might as well when I have the time improve my best maps and show them off for a while.
My thinking: I will post 3 maps per month and take it off and make new maps and so on and on. Hopefully my maps will be going around the...
I just press Add to file set but when I take it off my file share it takes it off my file sets. :/
Is it possible to just keep making Silver Accounts and exchanging file shares between all the Accounts or is that not allowed?
I tend to make tons of maps but is there any other way I can keep my maps download links active but not on my file share because I've got many...
I was thinking about putting my map in the TRC Guild but I wasn't sure how it worked and if my map would get shown to the world before I published...
It's just going to be built around that main piece and there is going to be a ship yard near it to. I'm slowly working on about 5 maps right now....
Well. In my opinion There are two choices. How I see it is that either you can just go to the default map, "Hemmorage" and delete everything but...
I'm so confused. I've got no idea which team to make for each side like if blue is attackers and red is defenders and if spartans are blue and...
I already thought of the generators. I should probably add lights to it like you said matty. Now I want it to look like it blew up at the end...
I'm currently making a invasion map and the main piece is a gigantic Gauss Cannon. I was seeing if anybody could give a ideas on what to do to...
I'll just let him recreate it. I'm getting into racetracks now. I like making racetracks in Allusions. Like making a race track under the Tower of...
This is my first race track EVER made in any halo series so expect it to be bad but I hope you guys still like it. It is basically a racetrack...
I remember there being a map and I think it was called Distortion on Foundary in Halo 3. I'm just wondering if anybody has a remake in Halo: Reach...
Hmm... I couldn't fix it. I just deleted all my maps. I only had about a few maps. I'll just try to be extra cautious and use only BASIC EDITING...