Aint N E BO D Alowed?
well i am _.-'*'-._
Quote Quote
But I care about you. I wanna start a quote train for some odd reason, somebody quote somebody else...
I guess I don't understand Japanese Behaviors...
Sorry... :(
I dont get it, guess thats cuz im Russian..
everyone is nominating this map, yet they probably have never played on it. But nice map!
Biz-Nitches like them Rap...
I actually have an invasion map, that I still need to create feedback for. I will feedback that map, then get to yours as soon as possible
Well I'm glad somebody enjoys this map. The only problem is trying to fix the camping. I usually only play this map with a lot of players. So...
And My Gonads...
Sorry to say, but this isn't a puzzle. It is merely an obstacle course. Looks challenging though, Ill give you credit for that
Headphone Headset! Its a great idea!
Dont Gorilas Have Polio?
WOO, 7:30 Classes:(
Yes, Nice Job with this map. It looks nice. I tried this and the only thing I hated was how fast the players got teleported. Im a good sniper,...