Nah, I don't disagree with that (if I'm reading what you wrote correctly). The point behind my initial post was not to state that you could just...
Beyond scaling, there really is little difference between a 1s design and your standard 4s design. You should know, however, that core gameplay in...
Animuu! [IMG]
:( We still have Mikoto Shinkai and Mamoru Hasoda, though.
Panda, I need another pandasig.
Any other information you can offer? Does this only happen when you're in a game with others? You may have forgotten to delete the default load...
[media] flooow
[media] This guy is way too underrated.
Did you take some inspiration from Crescent in Q3?
lol I was actually planning on playing an SS rom some time soon, so I may attempt that. Training Pokemon for Gym beattles is already tedious...
[media] They finally made a show that actually follows the original game. It's too bad I don't care enough to watch it at this point, though.
FOB had a pretty good remix of an MJ song too. You can't campare 'em to the originals, though. [media]
Thanks for the feedback, you two. Yeah, each segment was shortened a little given there were three features to cover. I would prefer to keep...
Why D:
Yo, let me know when you plan on running your art competition and i'll stick it again.
Ender already won FHF, n00b.