This thread is literally the embodiment of Forgehub before '14 lol.
Congratulations, Behe! You really broke out of your comfort zone with this one and it paid off. Welkin is burtiful.
#hcstaffmasterrace Congrats, Slap!
Woohoo! First and foremost, I would like to extend my thanks the people that organized this contest! The forge community has been on the decline...
I should start watching animu again.
Good luck, everybody! There are a lot of good designs to be tested these next couple days.
Sycamore and Oak GT: Not Auburn Leaderboard Info Game: Halo CE Mission: Pillar of Autumn Difficulty: Easy Time/Score: Around 9:00
-OS replaced Speed Boost -Updated spawning
Not Auburn | Pillar of Autumn | Timing | Easy<br /><br />Sycamore is an asymmetrical 2v2 tree on Skyward. The design utilizes two teleporters that...
Just for that, I'm gonna make the most broken map you've never seen.
I want to create some solid LoS between the teleporter at bottom OS and its receiver at fusion coil spawn, but the height difference is making...
Updated this. I redesigned the lift room, added some more ways to move around the map, updated visuals, and added this cute little nadable sniper...
Yeah, its probably best to avoid instakill weapons in a 1v1 if they don't require much skill. I finished my second submission to the contest last...
brb gonna go make 1v1 midship.
Out of curiosity, who are the judges? If you want it kept on the DL, that's fine.
I like so far. You should scale that ish down, though, if you're going for 4s. Not too sure how I feel about the bases atm. I feel like they could...
[MEDIA] It started off as a Dammy inspired map, but I kinda broke away from that early on. She needs a little work, but I'm likin' it so far.