I'm surprised nobody has remade Citadel yet. It's easily one of the most underrated dev maps out there.
His avatar says so, so it must be true!
After you've posted your map, look on the right sidebar and click "edit thumbnail". Some functionality must have gotten lost in translation during...
Throw me in as a backup, Chron. I might be around to play some games.
Quick mass out of an Imminent reimagination. I'm lovin' this new forge system. [img] [img] [img] [img]
Try hard resetting your X1.
Does anybody here play Smash? Been playing since 64, but I've began playing competitively since Smash Wii U came out last November. I figured I...
Bottom right. The C is a lot more pronounced.
I've been messing around with a redesign of a previous 2v2 map o' mine. It's 2-base, 2-tower. Xzamplez would be proud.
Nice, I just picked up a copy of Tetra the other day.
Definitely appropriate. I learned a lot about design through Quake III when I started forging. There's certainly a lot to be learned from other...
Are there killballs?
What parts do you need help with? I remember a good amount about Salvation. Otherwise, try getting in touch with REMkings or PA1NTS. They might...
Trust me, its worth it
^ Read the manga, scrub.
Duuuude, welcome back.