Cocco, u R teh b345T!!11
Well, I've yet to play in a TCOJ lobby, but I'll post here anyway as I'm sure to in the near future. Obviously, you all know (and love) me as...
*clicked Play* *saw length of video* *right-click, Stop Download* *immediately left thread, even though this reply explaining what I did says...
Thanks for the feedback, man. Posted a reply if you'd be inclined to read it.
Very nice, good quality.
I suppose this would be the best place to post this, but not sure. Anyway, I'd like a new, more professional intro to my videos on my Youtube...
Nice match, man. You raped with the Sniper. Was this recorded with your ElGato?
Cool, I'll add you next time I'm on. So you know I'm not some random, my GT is Xunnn, but I suppose it would have been pretty obvious who was...
Mind if I friend you on XBL to save hassle, man?
Lol, ouch.
Can I be placed in a reserve slot, please? Thank you kindly.
I've been messing around a bit tonight, got something interesting going. I honestly thought they'd have more pieces to play around with, but I...
So, send me a msg over XBL if my help is needed tonight (tomorrow morning for me). I have to take the missus to work, but I should be back on...
I take it this the first time a FHF has been featured on a Halo website? Hmm, interesting. It'll give people more incentive to pick up their game...
Ok then, throw me on the list if you need extras and I'll help out.
So... do we put our names down in this thread if we're available, or is this more just a notification thread? Because I'd be able to help out with...
WMM ain't that bad if you know how to get around the limitations. But that's neither here nor there, nice tage.
Cool, thanks Elliot. :) Hopefully might see you online.
I've only touched the multiplayer once or twice, and I got pwned so hard it turned me off playing MP almost entirely. I'm just too slow at...