That movie is amazing I must have watched it like 30 times(dumb cousin).
She needs to learn one of two things: 1) Multi-tasking 2) Not text while walking What was her friend doing probably like "Wonder what happens if...
[IMG] I was not expecting this I've always been more of a right wing person
I thought that it was put together very well and did a good job of paradizing the orig.
I wouldn't be to suprised to see a futuristic Call of Duty in the near future.
Its been a while but it scared me as a child.
Oh you mean Dolly? His weird girlfriend.
Jaws was amazing. I just think the new director is doing a bad job and taking out all the things that made James Bond great. Also Daniel Creig is...
Well I watched James Bond for gadgets and they threw those away, women but they threw in some dumb love plot which I think is retarded, some...
Yes I love the Bourne Series
I'm hesitant to say this but in theory a map editor could be good. But all the maps would be bad zombie maps.
Oh good cause if I did I'd have to make threads saying TEH STAFF IZ R CURPT and spam the chat box to making dumb demands
Do I get an infraction
I failed at being the killer
I loved Die Another Day and consider it the last real James Bond movie
No I don't both are a mockery to the Bond name.
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail 2001: A Space Odyssey Lord of the Rings Bourne Identity Any James Bond except Quantum of Solace and...
How is Anchorman a classic its only 5 years old. Its good but its not a classic yet. Jurassic Park Terminator Saving Private Ryan Groundhogs Day...
More camo No martyrdom No rifle grenades Fix the dogs clipping issues and flaws or bring back the chopper More variety in weapons No super...
I like your new intro. Very clean and I like the whole blue print thing you got going.