You have a fan girl in GA now
Try ramming your head on cement several times that should do the trick. Do until see bits of one's brain.
I outright avoid posting in the map fourm because everytime I post in it I get infracted it seems like.
IDK I've seen people pay more for less.
Um this is in the wrong section it belongs in Forge Discussion. Request move
Ya it apprently lasted longest lasting one in a century.
No problem I guess.
They probably will have to or something similar to them. But ya lots of things on that list scare me. Well except the assault rifles those don't....
Few confirmed weapon lists have been posted around various websites. Assault Rifles - FAMAS - Bushmaster ACR - M16 - AK-47 - Steyr AUG A2 -...
Why of course I will Matt
It was good some really nice kill and no scope ect but I personally think you should have chosen song(probably because i prefer hard rock) but...
I thought it was pretty good I personally think it would have been better with more editing and a different song but thats just me. Overall I...
I just saw the tage
Nitrous is
I suggest not using a video camera in that fashion ever again. Try a capture card or plugging the camera into the tv.
Do you have anyone in mind or has no one applied?
OH NOZ that means the album is gonna be push back even more.
So how goes you hunt for the new singer?
I can be back up voice(deep voice) I guess if it required and body act as well if required
I wouldn't mind a like laser trip wire. Instead blowing up like claymores it would just alert the user that the laser has been tripped and...