You're 19 and still in high school? And I could use a new MW 2 ;)
Arsonists sounds like a promising career for you then.
YouTube - Flaming Laptop Prank So this guy's roommate froze his cell phone and destroyed it and he missed his interview. So to get back he lights...
Your not to bad yourself. Isn't your brother playing this round.
Story -Half Life Characters - IDK Enemies - Aperture Science Boss - Sephiroth Weapons -Fall out 3, Half Life, Portal Multiplayer - CoD or Halo...
Oh grats on the Yellow
You better win your next match. Also I'll scrim you if you want.
There are 10 books that take place in the universe and 5 of them are have Ender as a main character at some point.
Ya today should hopefully work. I'm free till about 5
As I predicted my dad stole the TV to watch something maybe tomorrow.
I want to see how I fair against you
Well seeing as there is only 23 staff members as of right now so only the best would really get to play but I like the idea of not choosing who...
We're in the 7th Bracket about midway
Looks like im facing you
I think Activision and Harmonix both hit their heads in the dark and forgot they aren't EA. I mean releasing a game for a band that has a famous...
Oh I could feel the enthusiasm in that sure.
I'll play you again if you'd like.
Apprently playing halo at 3 is a bad thing to do.
Ya we were at our church lockin at she took my ipod and put on Falter and was like "OH EM GEE I love this song TSB rules!!!!"
How does one become Stra8 lolin