Thank you
I think I still have all the films so I guess I could take pics from it.
I posted the group pics
Posted the TGIF pic
This is the group picture from Insane's TGIF party where we decided to fire our lazars at Optimus Prime. Anyone else feel free to post any pics...
Don't freak out the CheyTec Intervention is probably going to replace it except the Intervention has a bigger caliber(.408 compared to the 2x51mm...
Ya my gold ran out and I have no money.
Oh man I didn't stay for after the credits. But I thought it was really well done. I really liked the whole Bill thing though. But they gave away...
That was a pretty funny. The speech from Mario was hilarious "They may take away Pitchu and Ness, but they will never take away Coin battle"
I agree with X5 on this I would respect him if he declined the award.
In a major surprise, even to the White House, President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today, making him the third sitting U.S....
Happy Birthday to the GROUND!!! That was a rather catchy song. Classic Andy.
I got this ***** of a sub in precal that doesn't shut up and makes me want to punch kittens in the face.
Hi I'm Thor and probably the most oblivious person here because I don't know why people hate you. I mean you're playing Shanon but thats all I can...
Thats like physically impossible if you know where to look.
Why its basically free money.
...and make a slight difference in society...
Amen to that brother
You're an asshole. Thats my two cents I did nothing today but I'm registering for the PSAT tomorrow and and Wensday I have the GHSGWT.
I learn something from this:Never getting in any vehicle with you Some of those clips were pretty good I must admit.