You can ask Ollie or RoboArtist, and this thread. Lockpls
[IMG] Now ..
Well there ya go!
Yeah, nice doing business with you haha. Usually I get scammed when I trade **** on the internet
Oh alright message me link, ill get the code now. ig thats fine ):
It's fine.
Sounds good, just message me the link so I can download it right away and I'll give you the other 400. Or other way around, whatever.
The rest of the clips I just put on my fileshare, then once you got it ready, PM me then Ill send code back.
Alright, well I'm going to get on to see what I can upload now, I jut edit the first 3 seconds out the video, its no biggy. Also, what capture...
Energy sword, you so silly - YouTube Just a fail by me.
Lil bit, but like the video always pauses in the beginning. I tweaked more settings in WMM, I'll see. I'll put up the third batch soon, then that...
I have HD .wmv clips, I drag them in WMM and the sound is unsynced, and the video is slow. That being said, I don't know where I can cut the video...
Sorry for spamming your wall with ****, but I fixed the CodeC, then it plays laggy in windows movie maker, but I saved the file as a .mov...
Well... I'm removing all my old CodeC programs and trying to install a new one see if that works.
How could I fix this? Otherwise you don't have to capture anything else for me if it's not going to work.
God damn you forge fast, I joined your forge all you had was a helicopter and like 4 4x4 flats placed, then I get on forgehub to see this.
You think I should check out like media encoders?
yeah its there, and [IMG] you know its wierd. lol idk if the file got corrupted when I just downloaded or wtf is going on . Idk, Ima do some googling.
Alright, give me a minute. It's weird the link isnt working, this is what happens. [IMG]
It's still not loading idek.. but Windows movie maker isnt accepting the .wmv files. I think I may need to update it to Windows Live Movie Maker,...