If you really want it to be accurate, you can merge the red and blue lights together to get purple.
Downloaded V2 and the changes seem to be fantastic (havn't actually played on it yet). Great idea for the ground floor to rockets tactical jump!...
some very nice merging here. Not sure it would be my kind of map due to the confinement of it and the multiple crates and fusion coils you have...
This actually looks like more of a competitive map than an MLG map, asides from the weapons used. A shield door? On an MLG map? *raises eyebrow*
Wow! Another 15 to 20 MAPS! Safe to say I am drooling at the thought :)
Is your mauler on drop spawn? If it is then that is probably why it didn't show up when you expected it to. If you didn't inentionally put it on...
Yay it's done. I'll download and forgethrough and make a more detailed post if I can find anything to criticise. From the pics it looks like a...
Wow great post LightsOut. Pretty much goes into far more detail than I was about to in regard to similar things. I ran through the map yesterday...
OMG yes! I saw the name Timberwolf and was like hmm well it has the same name as my old favourite mech from MechWarrior 2 (so good), so I might as...
I was able to play some customs on this last night at lan, only FFAs though sadly. The map itself is extremely smooth though and possibly even...
You can actually jump back up the front of the attackers base using the short pillars in front of it :)
Haha well it's more like a BTB map than most of the other Sandbox variants that are actually trying to BTB maps, so good work none the less. Is...
Yeah I have spent some more time looking through it and I am not so worried anymore. It is a great map and is up there with the top custom BTB...
You have my download, but there is one thing I am worried about already. The large circular base has no cover whatsoever. If the other team...
Very well forged, you obviously have some skills. My only complaint would be that it is a bit cramped, but that's probably just because I'm a BTB...
I downloaded and ran through this yesterday and I was amazed :) I was only able to play a 1v1 on it which I know is not ideal, but it was even fun...
I just downloaded and ran through the latest version and am still very impressed by this map. You must be extremely patient, all your maps show...
Well I did not mind this map once I learnt how to play it (I failed utterly the first few times and my team was destroyed), but I can not really...
Perhaps that was the same mentality had when Bungie created Chiron... Think of what we all learnt from that map haha. Perhaps it would be...
While I don't think this is a very good competitive layout, you have shown some ingenuity in the "zip line". I have not seen that before and it is...