While you have some impressive geomerging skills, it seems to me like this map is far too cramped. Looks like a haven for campers, even moreso...
BTB map in the crypt ey? Very interesting, I can't wait to see more pics as it is rather hard to give you any criticism from only one :(
So far the base looks great. How long will we have to wait to see the overall design of the map? I'm excited you are working on a BTB map at last.
Good idea if you want to play slayer, but fails for other gametypes sadly :( 10 points for trying though haha. With the addition of Sandbox this...
Fair enough, I will have to take your word for it untill I manage to get some solid games on it. What you are saying does make sense, I hope it...
Very nicely forged map, I wish more people went to this level of effort. Only thing I can really say criticism wise is that there doesn't look...
No offence, but it looks like you have done a lot of geomerging and interlocking just for the sake of it rather than to improve the gameplay or to...
First thing: You need at least SOME guardrails if you want to build a skybubble map that uses multiple catwalks. A lack of them will put many...
While I appreciate the effort you have gone to in order to interlock and build an interesting structure around custom, it looks somewhat asif you...
Good map layout, but not executed as well as it could be. The wooden catwalks need to be a lot cleaner for a start, they will bump you around...
That central structure is very impressive, I'm sure it makes for some unique gameplay. Glad to see the inclusion of some jumps too, looks like it...
Looks like a well built map with some good structures but it would be very helpful to have some sort of overview. Is it a predominantly close...
Looks like a failry solid design but I can straight away see some flaws. There are obvious gaps in the blocks that grenades will fall through....
I just had a quick run through this map and I found a couple of things that needed to be improved. Firstly, The entirely of blue base needs to be...
First thing I can say just from the pictures is that, like others, you have not left enough forward room for the Banshee to take off. By placing...
If you want to see geomerging in the crypt as well as without doubt the best crypt map I have seen to date, check out the map "Chromatic v2". It...
Nice vids Bk. If I am ever online at the right time, I would be more than happy to join in on some customs like these. Hope it is going well in...
Very interesting design. I was really expecting a crypt or ground floor map when I opened this so I am very impressed that you were able to create...
Very original sword spawn, I'm sure it induces some interesting gameplay. Only thinng I can say would be to perhaps use thinner guardrails for the...
I don't really enjoy the gameplay of these tight, enclosed crypt maps, but I will download this none the less. Aesthetics are top-notch. Putting...