I'm not the biggest grifball fan, but this does impress me. It looks far more fair and enjoyable than the plain canvas map :)
I had been wondering this myself, thankyou for the good answers everyone! I assume they have actually been tested and they aren't just theories.
This was the first map I ever saw that used the tin cups as grass when the mythic map pack first came out. Safe to say that it utterly amazed me...
Looks like a great design and well constructed. Only one thing that frustrates me; those two pillars on each side of the central area (one upside...
Glad to see people using the new merging technique. Can't wait to see what else is concocted in the coming weeks, this is a great start though.
Holy crap I can't wait to see the new wave of maps that this brings with it! There is going to be some truly amazing stuff made.
Looks like they are great canvases. This should be pinned somewhere if they all work correctly!
Only things I could say to improve this would be to colour code all the boxes and add at least a couple of extra BRs. The reason Castlanche is so...
As much as I hate shield doors, that central structure looks like it could lead to some interesting and amusing gameplay. Nice clean map, good work.
YES! Best feature in a long time, a truly amazing map, Bob. From the moment I saw this I knew it would be on the front page some day. One of the...
Definitly looks like it would fit better in the minigame section. Still, good idea.
"Well I would suggest getting this version as I tweaked some stuff. I wish I would of held off on creating this until I got Halo 2 but yeah I...
Design = Fantastic Execution = not so good You have some great structures and ideas, it just needs to be forged a little smoother for it to be a...
This was one of my personal favourites from the map pack. I loved the layout and lines of sight on this map. Only thing I can recommend would be...
This map has always made me think of wizard/warlock gameplay wise and I have always loved it just as much. Very accurate remake, sad that we will...
As soon as I saw this on the Bungie Blog and realised it had been organised by you Bob, I downloaded every map. As always, they are absolutely...
Very nice layout. I love the fact that it's NOT a close quaters map on foundry like many are. Smooth interlocking too. Also, I like how you...
Fantastic. Obviously you have spent some time on this map and it shows. The curved bridges are very smooth and you have planned your structures...
Very, very impressive aesthetics... that arch is amazing. Looks like you have planned it well and constructed it even better :) Is there only...
Ah damn I was afraid it was something tedious like that... thanks for the answer though :)