Keeps the monkeys away from my hands!
Blarg. --- Apparently we are at page 417, but this is the most recent page... wt?
I use firefox and I'm single :(
I use 20 posts a page so... 390 get
Do you come from a land down under?
The hell...?
Something tells me that my old Slowpoke/Cyanide and Happiness avatar is a bit out of date. Any suggestions for a new one?
Thanks Youtuber! Now I never have to watch Lost! I only ever watched the first two episodes :P
This thread is now about good songs with weird music videos:
NORLINSKY, WHERE THE **** ARE YOU? YOU'VE HAD 10,318 POSTS IN THE ORIGINAL PPC He's posted more posts than any member has ever posted in the...
I posted that at the same time as you posted your post... Hence the edit
Seriously, is there a way of telling who has the most posts in a thread? EDIT: Okay, but how did you do that? I've never really actually fiddled...
Lol what? By trawling through all of the posts in this thread and the other one and keeping a ****ing tally of who has the most posts? Because the...
Who are the true PPC whores?
Reading 1984. What a mad world... Why is Britain called Airstrip One and it's a continent called Oceania?!?! What a ****ed up world!
This is so stupid... lol I like it when he tries to not be depressing though :D
I lack both lol But I love this community so much that I come back every time! Albeit, in the same way that I love /b/ >.>
What the hell is your dp, Sarge? It's pretty awesome...