Here ya go Sarge: a map post where every reply is spam :)
Some other notes: - Sometimes forge will almost 'understand what you're trying to do (especially evident with building blocks) and change the...
I hate to be this needy, but can you provide a DL link? Looking at the walls around the circular incline, I've got a feeling you can be a bit more...
I see the spam thread is still going strong...
I appreciate that you might want feedback, but if you don't adhere to the map posting rules, then don't expect it. How to post screenshots in...
Collar/Breacher, huh? I knew you COULD get it, but I didn't know how. No need to be a **** about it Shroomz, I never saw your post, but I'm seeing...
The finale of Red vs Blue Revelation was probably better :P Seriosuly, watch it. It's definitely something special...
Man Accused Of Killing Kitten For Unplugging Game Console ^ Musta been going for a Vidmaster achievement
NO U!!
I was reading it, thinking: [spoiler] It's a good book though.I'm currently reading the contrasting "Brave New World", because I'm a book douche.
WTF you have three titles...
Lol as if you noticed that Get your mind out of the gutter :P It wouldn't surprise me if that was intentional though. I mean, a dev tem of all...
It's a lot better than the glitchy OLN objects from Sandbox (I dunno if the three spawns on the base map count towards the OLN or not, but I think...
Unfortunately, the OLN still exists. If you're unaware of what the OLN is, it's the 'object limit number'. It existed in Sandbox, and the...
Try loading it from your saved variants, NOT from your recent games There's a glitch there where it'll save the changes you make, even if you...
This. My only concern is that people are criticising it from the pictures (he looks too skinny, the hammer looks too big etc.). That never used...
It's also worth adding that if you're using free-hand, don't even select "edit co-ordinates" for whatever reason. As stated by the OP, the object...
I'm in for a while, at elast. Going to uni this Satirday - probably won't be able to help much after then But I already have some tips and stuff.
Can you give us an example? I haven't had a single problem wth the system yet. All the movements are relative to each other with the co-ordinate...
When you select an object, then select "edit co-ordinates", it automatically shifts a bit to snap to an invisible grid of miniscule 'cubes'. If...