Dat sig.
>:) Fllr
Team Chub vs Team Stums or Froggie Hubbers vs Halo Custards
Your team names for the SNF are rubbish Halo Custarders and Froggie Hubbers are much better names.
So you can't log in via the client or something? Try making sure your password is correct (lol) or using an email address rather than a username.
Happy 1337 posts.
Are you playing on the client or just using the browser version?
You're 2 days late :P
UK. Steak pl0x.
You're legal. Let's ****.
I've seen people doing wheelies on the dirtbike, but can't figure how to do it. :( It's also really frustrating in CTF when the enemy team have...
Hi, I'm sky, the resident friendly guy! Welcome to Froghub dude!
Just jets, no ejection. Already sick of the amount of people abusing the Stinger/IGLA/Javelin for cheap kills.
Air Superiority is awesome. 25-14 in my first game. No need for air radar either, but ECM jammer seems to have been nerfed.
what if I say no?
Yeah, I played with that mod a bit and set one off to see what would happen. Needless to say, it crashed my PC and I won't be letting off one of...
uhh, ok then...
Wtf is Episphere?