definitely making a note to dl this now that it is "finished"... have watched the previews for a while... opal too! any plans for maps themed...
i like the fact that a well-timed plasma pistol can slow down and possibly take out a vehicle... remember when a team in H3 could take a hog...
I used a wooden pallet as a resting spot for the drop-spawned fusion coil, then removed the pallet.
i'm curious, is the FR issue in forge with two controllers signed in so it's on splitscreen? now that you mention this, I think FR issues...
haven't read through all of this and certainly won't get into any arguments here... but wanted to clarify something from the OP.. the media...
just a little nit-pick... Bible is spelled with a capital "B" :)
that's a logical induction, for sure. also the game engine may have other features such as forge tools loaded in memory all the time and may...
it may be the piece types themselves. I've done only a little research on what types of objects cause framerate lag, so there are few hard and...
going to wait and see if there are framerate complains before I buy this... not going to pay to be frustrated. any map sold for Halo 4 (sold, not...
lee is correct, though the station ramps are a little trickier to use and preclude you from using the coordinates to align. you have to nudge...
i would like to hear more about how you set this up because like I said above I've got a soccer ball that I don't want to despawn immediately if...
is there any object in between player and coil upon detonation? If I push a coil off a small drop, and there is direct LOS w/ player as it...
Mr. Green I wanted ot say that your blog post with your research about spawning in Halo4 is very useful. I can't say I understood all of it, but...
glad to hear you got it working. I was gonna say I did this in LaForge so you could take a look if you still want to... it is providing the...
...funny you should mention "Stargate"... <wink> will send you a FR later if you haven't sent one yet.
suggestion... if you want to bring the lighting back (and I think it would look amazing on this map) try replacing some of your struts with...
I noticed what I perceived to be a very fast despawning soccer ball the past couple days. I'm working on a mechanism that requjires the ball to...
there is a third category to consider as well, and I suppose it's a hybrid of gameplay and aesthetics... Mechanics. If you have some sort of...
well can't we say that this all depends on what the forger desires to be the main focus on the particular map? Sure, one can make a beautiful...
very nice Tim. It turns out we're working on similar projects but not totally overlapping or duplicating. Maybe I'll send you a FR so you can...