they are set to "private"... can't view them currently.
if a neutral respawn point is set to FFA_Spawn shouldn't it prevent either team from spawning there in any objective/team type?
I'll have to double-check, but I think what I did was set those white respawn points as "FFA_Spawn" which I thought would only allow spawning in...
i'm glad he did NOT just ask you privately, as some more explanation is certainly helpful for everyone else. question: can teams spawn in the...
maybe not, but not exiting the game can cause the saves to get mismatched, so just keep doing what you're doing if you always exit first....
yea and I forgot just how twitchy a player had to be in games like that... ouch on the eyes! thank God games have smoothed out since then......
hide the lights or remove them... that would look better IMO.
dittos... the piece usage, not just the number of pieces, but the choices made, creates a nice aesthetic quality w/o too much clutter (from the...
nice... but I wonder, has anyone else seen the irony of making smaller players AND a smaller map? when you're done, isn't it just the same scale...
it just comes down to making a gametype that is reminescent of those older style shooters. faster movement, unlimited ammo, to name a few. I...
I was glad to get an invite and thought I played well and had actually scored for our team on that CTF game... was I intentionally booted or what?...
I searched the forum and found this thread again... I see that the description for Grifball says it is an "Assault" variant... but can I just make...
for the maps saving as other mraps... make sure you End Game after saving or else it doesn't register the save with the right file... never...
curved walls put together are quite large as a round structure, then you also have the impact silo 1 which is the smallest. Also, on Erosion you...
as others have said, use the architecture of your level to create the effect you're learning about here... from what I could tell, your map had...
are you experienced in placing drops in slayer types? I am also not in front of my xbox, but I think there is a respawn and Place at Start y/n...
Polyphony Digital, makers of Gran Turismo, have done a lot of that to satisfy fans over the past 2+ years since GT5 was released... just sayin'...
wow this looks very nice. I've only played on teh original once or twice, but it definitely looks correct to me! (I had Reach only a short...
halo map files are extremely small compared to most digital media now days... measured in kb, rather than mb or gb. That doesn't contain the...
I work in a similar field actually, and I fully understand what you and Teancum are saying about time vs $ etc. But seriously, how does that...