any way you can post a screenshot?
I'd like to play it again too. You're right that the best strategy would be to gain weapons then take top. I think if I played it a few more...
yea, vacuum the crap out of it to remove all pet hair or anything else that might be in there... open it up if you know how and feel comfortable...
I've probably spent more hours working on lifts than anyone in Halo 4. Not bragging... as my initial ineptidude was probably why it took so many...
Updated file on share to current version, same name. Updated with new and improved screenshots of changes made, and nifty logo :D posted...
wow the gameplay looks really good on this. good luck w/ it and if you want add me for some testing
i love levels built around some cool new mechanics or innovative idea... so this could really shape up to be great. as others have said, the...
that "movement upwards" tendency is tricky to try and "tune" out of your level, or any for that matter. if you put powerful weapons or powerups...
just a minor nitpick, but it is "modified" not "moderated" ;), though that is a different type of "modded" :D if you post a "modified" map here...
I've been waiting to see someone create a really good castle structure and this could defeinitely be it. to me the outside area of the castle...
here is what I wrote in the FFC recap thread, cc'd here to help you consolodate feedback in one place... Easily one of the best Erosion maps...
sure, but keep in mind that playable and aesthetics sometimes take a different path when you realize one important thing. in order to make a...
in case you didn't know, you can hide the lights inside walls/pieces and the glow still shows through...
good luck w/ this... but my first thought is, "Dang, someone else posted the use of the name "Precipace" before I could... doh! second thought...
okay you definitely took it hte wrong way... I should have bitten my tounge... or fingers as it were. You're right that the official maps do a...
not only a great exterior, but you managed to include at least some authentic-looking interior. it's a shame that this uses all the pieces and...
loving the video... especially liked the little things like the dumpsters to help jump up a level... and don't take this the wrong way, but it...
definitely looks inspired by guardian... can't wait to see what it looks like when finished!
looks great! My only thought looking at the pics is "would this possibly look better on Ravine?" But I'm not advocating that you make the switch...
run speed 200%? that'll do it. and a trait zone can take care of it so you don't have a chance of someoen playing your map which is intended for...