maybe some splitscreen lag (I don't recall if there actually was any) softened the hit? IDK.
I think it's certain pieces and how you orient them toone another. I've used station corridors (laforge uses station ramps, which are very...
my son and I played on Crow's Junction too, but I never did get killed by it using a normal slayer type mode... got hit by it many times too....
I see some pieces move, but seriously I don't see this problem as much as others report. I don't know why exactly... I often select a piece...
oh awesome! I love the idea of recreating star wars locations etc. into playable maps. I have even thought about picking a SWBF location to...
thanks for the kind words yes, the soft-kills are all intentional (there are 3 main ones, plus one hard kill) and I believe wholly necessary....
sure, yea it just comes down to your preference, so there is no right answer ;)
[IMG] I like the look of this as well. One thought is that the upside down ramp used to make that building stick out looks like it would IRL...
yea that building and a lot of the architecture you've chosen does look really good. as for colors, I like the cyan used in this manner. as...
thanks. No, it really doesn't look nearly as good from the underside, but it does have a nice look to it. All eight roof pieces come together at...
are you aligning them using coords first? Just curious, though that may not be the real issue for yours... FWIW, two base rounds never seem to...
I think this gets into an area of education vs laziness, though certainly some are lazy. I had a venture into more of an "in the wild" type of...
very good write-up as usual, Mr. Green. I have understood some of those concepts but not necessarily as in-depth and well-worded as that. it's...
that was going to be my suggestion, as something similar happened on my level when using a turret on or near a delay-spawned ceiling. someone...
i'm so new to this piece-settings thing that I don't know if I should even speak up... but here it goes... I wonder if that FFA_Spawn and...
Thanks Lee, that is high praise coming from you! (see below for a domed structure you may like :D ) ----------- Updates -----------...
you know, I haven't noticed this quite as much as others have, and it usually seems to be temporary. I know that the Colluseum walls are the...
right, but if budget is a concern, that extra $250 in exchange for deleting a light is often attractive... as for lighting trick not working...
instead of using white lights, try flagging the roof pieces and perhaps others to let naturall ight in. spawn time = between 1 & 10 place at...
my take on more complexity would be that some places just have blocks shooting up into the air, and those blocks could be more complex visually,...