edit: at about 34s into your flythrough video on page one, is the plain-ish area I was referring to. The c-walls in particular look like just...
I saw in your Curb Stomp thread that you were still working on this... I had originally thought you said something about letting this one die in...
I thought that's what he did on there... looked like he expanded the surface area by creating the large building structure. It seems fairly small...
with all due respect to Nooooch, because I do love his creations, I think this is just one of those things where two styles clash and one side...
I think he was trying to advocate for people not making such sterile boxy maps. That's something I've tried to inject into some conversations...
guys, I wasn't saying that it's hard to kill ghosts with a plasma pistol or grenade. I'm saying that because they take so much bullet damage...
oh yea... but the design of mine is kind of stuck like I said, and I've got other projects that are moving along a lot better. It's still a neat...
on laforge I used a LOT of them, and there is no framerate drop until you go to splitscreen w/ it, and that has been improved since I remarked a...
i've been tackling the challenge of a really big map for a while too. from the video it seems you have gotten a really good head start on a great...
framerate has so much to do with how wide of an angle is visible by the player(s). Curb-stomp doesn't have areas where you can see a gigantic...
suggestion, it might look better w/ dynamic lighting enabled... not saying for sure, but maybe. if you use something other than the Struts in so...
it's conversations like this that show me how horrible the halo community can be at times... it's so obvious you are all talking about different...
if there is modded content posted here, please organize it into a separate maps section, so as not to be confused with non-modded ones. thanks
my first map in Halo 4 was going to be in this location, and I have something mostly built, but stuck. it was supposed to be the first one...
yea, shattered sucks for framerate. on btb not being vehicle friendly, IDK... I'd agree except for the ghost. It is way over-powered as it is....
I don't think his question is really "do dominion pieces affect framerate?" but rather "do they affect them more than your average piece?" and...
niiiiiice. another great looking lee C G creation! This is alittle thing, but I especially like the fact that your main central floor pieces...
agree with the others. this has some really nice looking architecture from the pics. how it all fits together into a playable level, well I'll...
not if the path up is obvious and the power weapon uses an initial or random drop so that it shows up on HUD... if it's not obvious how to get...
lighting trick does show up in forge, but not after you go into player mode and it renders lighting again. you have to load it up and then just...