I used to play it, sick game.
OH SNAP, now DIMMEST too! Oh boy.
Dude- you forgot the main reason why Transformers had a good ending: MEGAN FOX WAS IN IT
Uh-oh. If Insanes in casual, I have competition.
I know I was only kiddin.
Since I am the only one... does me=winner???
HOORAY FOR UPDATES! I dont think I have a shot at best overall, but I think I can definetly win best Casual.
Guys I also made a very informative post on the first page, look at that for more details
Whoa wait, in the beginning there were 2 categories: Best Competitive and Best Casual! But they're changed now! I liked the old ones better...
You should use something thinner to make the torso and head of The Statue, the boxes dont look too good the way they are. Great interlocking and...
Theres also only 5 weapons on the map. 5. Thats a little small amount of weapons, dontcha think?
Your use of forge techniques astounds me. This map is AMAZING to look at, and probably even more amazing to play. You can has download nao! Oh,...
Wow, I'm suprised you were able to make a map with 1. No Double Boxes and 2. Rarely any items!
how do you know it was her? im getting jealous. :)
Actually? Thats friggin sweet! But how do you know its really her!?!? Cuz one time, when I was a wee little tyke, I wrote a letter to the Tooth...
lol u dont actually know her do you? I bet you don't shes too awesome. U cant know her. Thats not fair for the rest of us.
selena gomez is fudgin hawt.
As for the map, your interlocking and merging looks stellar, I love the snack machine Idea as well. I'm not sure I really understand how you play...
Torpedo Jumpers created by MattDGiant This is a Mini-Game.
I've seen infection games like this, but never a two-teamed version, this looks really cool!