I wish I had known how cool some of the stealth kills were before I got to this point in the story. I've only got about 10 things left to raid,...
It's so worth it. It can be a little frustrating sometimes when you forget to bring arrows/ammo for a suppressed weapon, but it has it's own...
I've been playing the **** out of this game since it's arrival early Christmas morning. Lots of fun in the later portion of the game where the...
The north-eastern section looks like some old lady in a hat having a dump. Also, where's the legend? What do the colours mean?
Can.. Can they even do that?
Some university clothing, some cash money, and some candy. Pretty much everything I wanted.
What was your final grade in Java? I got a B-.
Not everything can be bigger on the inside.
That's because you're a terrible shot, haha. EDIT 31 Diamond Guns! (I need to get laid :/ )
25 diamond guns** The shotguns took me literally 9 hours. This is too easy..
I think active camouflage would be useful, especially since nobody has a motion sensor so as long as I were to move carefully and slowly, nobody...
Yeah, next time we play we'll definitely send you an invite. We mostly play Oman 24/7 though, so if that's OK with you then you can join in if you...
Umm.. I'll check. I've got Dr. Przemic Pochec.
Umm. I've gone 130-17 on Headquarters. Oh, and 21 diamond guns :D
I definitely regret walking out at 3:50, but I couldn't see any possible way of salvaging my train-wreck of jumbled code :/ I had met up with...
I think I did alright, but I know I botched the 9-point question quite badly.
You're not Red anymore? D: So how did you feel about that final?
This isn't new by any means, but it's definitely cool.
My experiences with the Combat Knife (the normal knife seems to work more often): * One off my final Bloodthirsty for Diamond Specials, go to...
t minus 3 hours, 9 minutes!