Underslung M320 + Back seat of a dirt bike = ****ing brilliant. I've taken down so many enemy dirt bikes with a little luck and a moderately well...
I like putting ammo on the front of the dirt bike, and being a one-man-ammo-delivery system, I also really like using a javelin on the back of a...
Sharp is too slow, can you fix this? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/119077-battlefield-3-discussion-108.html#post1582474
I think that's good, I hated how everybody would use the jammer and shut down any and all missiles. Are there just jets in Air Superiority?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/119077-battlefield-3-discussion-108.html#post1582474 Fix it fix it fix it!
MOTHER ****ING END GAME MOTHER ****ERS! Seriously though, I think this is my favourite DLC by far, but maybe that's because I love the dirt bikes.
You're still re watching it? I've only watched it four times..
We should do things more; I don't know what, but we should do them more.
I guess it would add a little more to the game. It's enough to get me back into it at least.
It used to be really simple, but it's gotten more complex I guess. I haven't used it since a couple years back.
Sure! There's nothing in my short list of rules saying you can't! (This applies with any other questions anybody may have)
What you could do, is just stop forging, and start lego..ing. *Shameless contest plug* Just do whatever- I haven't finished a map in Forge since...
No, but I was banned from a Lego display/event thing at the West Edmonton Mall when I was four because I refused to let other people have any...
Come at me.
We all know Halo 4's Forge is essentially **** with a couple bits of corn thrown in for good measure, but who remembers the OG Forge? This is...
She's got a bulge, bro.
tz, blending in with the stealth capabilities of a narwhal.
I don't even. All that effort, gone. ****ing *****. But I can't call her that, because I'd stoop to her level, I have to take the high road so she...
I was under the impression that Bungie had confirmed third person view in the "hub" areas, their reasoning was "You work hard to look badass, why...
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Splinter Cell Double Agent came out for the original Xbox and the...