That was my least favourite episode, of any episode ever. I bet Sharp'll like it though, he's a bit of a man's man.
I've probably said it like 3 days ago, but I can't overstate how ****ing psyched for this game I am.
Seems legit.
****ing play borderlands 2 you numpty, god dammit! - I left this is all-caps for a reason.
I'm super duper excited over The Great Intelligence, especially with the 50th anniversary coming up!
Everyday i'm hustlin'.
You definitely need to watch it. Try to find it around the Internet, it's there somewhere.
Who else can we get to play?
Watch this at your discretion, then
Look, a puppy!
That's because your Tennant Boner finally went away, you fan girl.
What are you guys doing for International TableTop Day this year? It's definitely a real thing, look! Wil Wheaton wants you to play more games on...
James May's Man Lab's third series is premiering Thursday too, if you're into that. Next week is looking pretty topperoonies!
I don't want a "Halo" movie, I want a movie centring around Halo 1, 2 and 3. This Forerunner bullshit is retarded, there's absolutely no reason...
Weren't you the guy who couldn't partake in a tournament/contest because your parents hid your controllers or something?
Beard. Beard. Beard. I can't not focus on the beard. I agree entirely, but it's bear(d)able. I remember when you guys released your album on...
Doctor Who: New Series 7 Launch Trailer 2013 - BBC One - YouTube Commence the creaming of the the pants. Sharp, if I hear you quote this trailer...
It's much better if you're on the back of the dirt bike, of course, you do need friends in order to do this.
Same button as sprint, bro. Stick, Jihad Dirt bikes are good, but it's far more effective to sit on the back of one and have a squad mate drive...