Idiots are all over the place. You can either ***** about them, or ignore them. I choose the latter. People like this DO suck... but even if he...
The brute shot. Arguably the best shot+melee weapon. This is one thing I truly miss from halo 3. It looks awesome, reloads fast, good against...
Something I've wanted for a while now: Transport Warthog on a map something like on an adaptable forge pallet. Or at the very least, the ability...
One of the challenges I hate is the "destroy x vehicles in firefight" because if you don't destroy the vehicle and its occupant at the same time...
This. Most maps its not true, an the ones where red has a slight advantage... they'll probably be blue next time so don't worry about it. It's not...
All the time
I would work on being clear about what you mean. Sentence and paragraph form. I still don't know what you are talking about.
Asshole teams in big team that choose an objective game and then don't go for the objective, simply because the spawns are easier to predict. 20...
I prefer toggle. But thats probably because it was the default in the first FPS games I played.
it may sound odd, but I think unlockable marine skins for gametypes with no shields would be fun. An infection gametype that incorporated this and...
I don't mind it, but I never do it. Especially in infection, I have more fun being on the ground in danger than picking up headshots from a safe...
I love when the thursday firefight challenges can be completed in one match. 8 minutes on corvette..... 13,000 cR :)
I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be seeing here.....
i heard in an interview with a few certain affinity employees that there are quite a few of them in these maps.
Found this on Breakneck, sort of a throw back to the old warthog ad in halo 2 [IMG]
well there you go! didn't play cargo port but data hive was fun
This. Most of them get boring, both for the elites and the spartans. the only decent one I played that was actually fun was a take off of Data...
I just play.... you know... to have fun? I'd say whatever you are best at is going to yield the most credits. simple as that
I'm only posting here as a courtesy, you probably won't get any takers by posting a thread. Threads are for more important matters. you should...
I knew he had a pituitary gland problem, but I never knew it was so serious.