I was wondering if I could have someone make a video for my new map that will shortly be released. It is not fully tested yet, but I'm sure its...
I have been working on this map along time now, and was wanting to see what you guys thought of it. As you can see it is a small map. Made for 1v1...
Are you ever bored of making maps on foundry? Well i no I am. So I like to take breaks on other maps besides foundry, but I never know what to do....
My friend showed me and I thought this one the funniest. YouTube - Retarded Policeman #9: Boobies! EDIT: while I have your attention: how do...
Reason: I have been in Oklahamo hunting for the past week and while I was hunting I had some thoughts in my head about new type of maps. Anyway, I...
Can any1 please like give an insrtruction or a video on how to geomerge a man cannon. I tried to get blook fire to make a vid, but idk what...
If you guys have seen the pic new flamethrower, it is just like it. It looks like the bubble shiled is its ****, kinda. [IMG] Please comment rate...
When I get bored on forging which is a lot of times, I like to go into matchmaking, but when I play i can never, and now I mean never get a good...
I was just trying to find a sweet pic when I saw this and thought it was sweet:[IMG] please!!!!!!!! comment, rate, etc. FILESHARE
I thought this is kinda funny and would share it to you:[IMG] comment, rate, etc.
SidageStopper By: Bobsagetismyhro Gametypes supported: CTF(2 sided) Waypoint on SidageStopper Map Description: I thought of this map when...
A new effect I found on Avalanche: [IMG] If you want the effect, then I will put it on the other thread.
I am in the Forging Montage Crew, and need another geomerger. The people in my crew are really good, but they cant get on all the time. I need...
I have been thinking that I waste a lot of time trying to re create a huge wall enclosing my map and a ton of other stuff. I was thinking that...
JOB SITE Describtion: Once you leave your job site. you dont know what happens. protect your job site from getting fired! GAMETYPES: only...
I no this is kinda short notice but I was wanting to start off making a map soon to show other people the crew. I will need one interlocking...
G: geomerging I: interlocking Owner: Bobsagetismyhro Co-Owner: n/a Interlocking GOD:n/a Interlocking Member: idiotninja, brett3123, Geomerging...
Just like the ABC crew and how they make projects, I was thinking that there could be more than one crew. So I am starting a new crew with...
A new effect I found on blackout. If you want to know how to do it just ask and I will tell. [IMG] FILESHARE!!!
here is a screenshot where I found a new effect:[IMG] FILESHARE