Umm, spam much?
Fuzze Creek
Welcome To ForgeHub. I suggest you looking at the Annoucements, Customer Service and Forging 101 for all your needs. Other wise, just go nuts...
Lolz, here it is: Gamer Tag: The Markus 360 Times You Can Get On: Anytime Mic: Yes Describing Myself: Sporty
A good post has about 100 letters or more in it. And as in the first post, you should post constructive ideas for them so they can make the map...
To tell you the truth, it needs alot of improvement. Maybe by adding more items and have interlocking in the map.
Wow, awesome video. It was pretty ownage.
Whats so bad about wearing a T-Shirt with a gun on it? ;l
There not that good. I would give a 6/10 for them all.
Looks like a great map. Ill prob download it later on!
lolz, thanks for telling them Iv0rY.
You need to read the "How To Post A Map" article, then you should be posting great maps in no time!
You could get up to 50 so easy.
Umm, the map needs more items and detail to it. Otherwise its good.
Dragoncoals min Nitrous Shock Theta...
Most words have been taken as a gamer tag.
I can say what i want. And was it necessary to say that first part? Dont think so. so liek, lolz @ u?
Ill surely download it. I was playing this map on Monday i think with Lightsout and others. It was awesome, so i recommend it to everyone! -1st Post-
Im pretty sure ive seen this map before on FOrgeHub.
Looks interesting, ill try it out later on probs.