I got 8 achievements in 1 day doing this. So im happy.
Need help getting them FFA Achievements? But always 1 kill short? Then, here is the tips for you. You can get your FFA Achievements in a flash....
I think Guitar Halo [IMG]
The Double Exp Weekend Runs From Friday To Monday Each Week.
kk, ill try and find one
They use shotguns sometimes. Ive seen many MLG videos, and some pros use shotguns. kthxbi
MLG Pros, such as Classic & Triggers Down, mainly use the BR, sniper and shotgun.
The New Classic returns with a slightly tweaked map. Starting at 11am PDT, Grifball Double EXP weekend returns once more. The map has been...
Nice explaining Penguinish, I might try and do that, but first I need some money to buy it. Hmm, I got $130 at the moment I think, so I think I...
Welcome To ForgeHub, You may want to check out Customer Service, so you can get your questions answered. Also check out forging 101, so you can...
Aka packmans enemy.
Well, actually you stole it, as i posted it first. LOLZ
Bungie.net Forum Article Posted (About Halo Blue) Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
LOLZ YESS PWN I OWN, lolz i got it before he posted it. lol yay
;l, more information might be helpful, in stead of just "BLUE" Edit: Got This From A Site: Seems like we're inching closer to that July 14th...
But, why stop at 12 hours left? I think they are doing something big.
Letter From The Bungie President, Shown On Bungie.Net Check it out. *Updates Postponed*
Im going to make a more complex map soon. I might start making it today.
They are prob just vamping up their home page a bit. and lolz, they wont reset ranks, or other wise on xbox live, there will be a maintenance...
Me and some friends and friends of friends were playing it today. Everyone thought it was fun. You are basically always in action.