Such found memories of Sim City. All the sounds, sights, and driving buses around to make a few bucks. And this looks so much better.
You should probably get that checked out. I hear selective color blindness is a pretty big deal.
Maybe you're just colorblind?
Welcome to FH. I'm sure you will learn a lot from people here. I know I did when I joined back in the day. I hope to see you around.
Wait, so there's no competitions where you actually race down the mountains beside each other? That's pretty stupid. I had considered getting...
Your signature is creepy.
Screens just converted me. That looks amazing. A great change of pace from Europe.
You can do tricks, but it's hard to find a balance between consistence and flow. Plain old jumps are enough to keep most people happy, but if you...
I think they should move on. AC is fun and all, but it's already fairly repetitive.
I don't know if you just randomly placed the Coliseum Walls around the map or had some sort of system to it, but, somehow, it makes for an amazing...
The aesthetics on this map are amazing, as is the norm with your maps. The atmosphere is perfect, and the likeness to real-life is spot-on. It...
My longest is barely over 200, but that's because I like getting points and winning as opposed to sunbathing on a rock or rooftop.
Anyone pick this up? The campaign was alright. Co-op's still fun as hell. I started a ForgeHub Syndicate if anyone wants to join. Feel free to hit...
News From DICE On Next Battlefield 3 Update This might actually get me back into BF3.
How dare they release such an awesome trailer so far away from the release date. I'm so pumped for this game, now. And, what, I have to wait 7...