Minecraft Getting Skin Pack DLC With Next Update Update incoming.
Pics or it didn't happen.
You can set it to spawn in Ghosts just like Mongooses or Warthogs. It's under Race Options.
Well made map. My only complaint in the layout department is the final turn back to start where you crossover part of the track, and there really...
I did it all for the nookie.
But you are, good sir. You are.
[IMG] Halo Reach Racetrack: Backlash - By Rohg - YouTube Fresh off the back burner comes my first Reach racetrack complete with jumps,...
You take that back. I'm just glad to see Epic picking up some of the slack and giving some people their jobs back.
I'm glad someone caught that. Thanks for the praise. It means a lot coming from you. What do you mean "you people"?! And thanks.
I'm not sure what you are talking about. There's a checkpoint on the far side of the roundabout that you have to hit before you can start going...
Thank you, Cpt Obvious. :p OP updated with video made by Yugnoswam.
Let's see if I remember how to do this... Backlash [IMG] Halo Reach Racetrack: Backlash - By Rohg - YouTube Fresh off the back burner...
I liked Onslaught. Great way to mess around by yourself or with a couple friends without having to actually try hard. I would prefer that to more...
Yeah, I'm one of those "too damn serious" types. I do enjoy myself in a lot of competitive games, though (such as BFBC2), so I don't think the...
I'm in this boat, and leaning towards Oli's decision. I very rarely play it, usually get aggravated when I do, and I already have Karkand, so it's...
This seems interesting. I haven't played BF3 extensively in a while, but I do plan on trying out the new DLC... decisions, decisions.
That might be a bit much. It is mesmerizing, however. Thanks.
Ohey, thanks.
Happy thanksyear
Battlefield Friends Ep 1 First Flight - YouTube Don't know if anyone has seen these, but I figured I would share just in case, because they are...