Welcome to ForgeHub! I'm sure you'll learn a lot here. I know I did. I doubt many will check out your Halo 3 maps, but think of it as a chance to...
Yeah, I meant they greatly vary in the time it takes to be able to get them. Thankfully, you can just jump around in the back of a Bandit...
Trying to 100% this game before H4. All I need is the Challenges achievement (boring as hell, saving for last) and the character action skill...
Borderlands 2 Gets Halloween Skins New Halloween skins for each character.
I have a Evil Controller with Evil Sticks (which are domed). I had no problem switching to them. Maybe if you are having trouble, you should go...
Do you need to have four people to get a decent Legendary drop from Terramorphous? I've been farming him solo and only getting SoT Class Mods...
Yeah, I played with a guy that had that happen a couple times. Maybe they did it intentionally to make it that much harder. :P
So... what you are saying is that I should blow all my money on the slots before facing him?
Anybody know how the DBNO timer works? One of the loading screen tips says if you go down soon after getting a second wind, the timer will be...
I saw Looper, today. Reminded me that I hate movies with time travel with multiple versions of people. They never make any sense in the end. Good...
OMG, that's amazing.
I don't really know how I feel about this game. I played it for a few hours last night, and while I had fun, I just felt like it was lacking...
I've been wondering for years why PETA has never gone after Pokemon with all the other crap they complain about...
I was Critting a Badass Psycho in Frostburn Canyon yesterday, and he spat out "Pluto's not a planet!" I busted out laughing at the randomness of...
Published by Bethesda. Developed by Arkane Studios.
Dishonored - Path to Revenge - YouTube Choose your own adventure from a few of the many different options Dishonored offers players to complete...
Have you guys farmed any bosses? I did Saturn for a little bit on my first playthrough and plan to again, as he should be lvl 50 by the time I get...
I've got 4366 (lvl 26). And I thought Claptrap's DLC got old. I ended up just running through it instead of exploring and completing all the...
I've gotten some good guns out of them and a load of Iridium. I actually hit the "Iridium jackpot" once, which gives you like 12 or 16. I've never...
I liked Rakkman better. Too bad there isn't mission for him...