Is there anything more depressing than realizing that your starter is your weak link? Freaking Emboar... This is the first time I've ever...
In comparison to what? Shotguns? Lancer and Hammy will beat shotguns at any range but close. Retro will beat a shotgun at any range but...
This is the first time I've ever heard anyone complain about the rifles in Gears 3 being inadequate.
I understand that saying "no offense" after saying something offensive doesn't negate what you said. I wasn't trying to make you look racist....
So, you played 30 minutes of the third game in a franchise that you never liked to begin with and were surprised that you didn't feel anything for...
Starship Ghost - "Worst community of players ever." Then, proceeds to insult Mexicans or anyone with bad internet connections along with the game...
GEARS OF WAR JUDGMENT: WORLD PREMIERE LIVE STREAM EVENT 2013 - YouTube Don't know if you guys watched the premiere last night, but what they...
Graphics on 360 are okay. I mean, most things look great, but certain stuff, like the little explosive gas cans, pop-in REALLY late. Also, the...
You thought they hurried Gears 3, so you said good riddance, but now that they are releasing another Gears game in the shortest time span yet, you...
[spoiler]Pretty hilarious if you ask me. Also, I'm pretty sure there is no "wrong time" to laugh during a Tarantino movie. The best movie I've...
Right, I was only going to do the quests that didn't reward guns, shields, etc. My second playthrough started at 30, but it caught up pretty fast...
But wouldn't I be OP for all the main quests after that?
I finished Playthrough 1 with my Mechromancer and decided to play the DLC before starting TVHM. The thing is, everything is capped at 30. Guns,...
You bought the Season Pass so you could play the DLC Day 1. Complaining that you could have got it cheaper months down the road is just stupid.
Very cool. I hate the way the leg armor looks in H4... I agree with Sky. It took me a second to figure out where to go to input my GT. Make it...
I love how I have to redownload the compatibility pack AND the latest DLC just to be able to play online with a friend...
This thread should help you guys out.
I had a blast playing this. Brought back tons of fun memories. Great remake.
Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay and find what you are looking for. Good luck out there in the wondrous world of Forge.
Shut It Down - YouTube Oh, and welcome and stuffs.