Sign me up please if there is still a spot. So since I'm out of the loop of news and what not...forge island is out already? or no?
Hmm...The pictures were working earlier, I don't know whats up now.
It looks like a gem! I never played this, but the visuals look very nice.........OH THIS IS GEMINI. Wow I just realized. I used to love that map...
Man, I'm way out of the loop haha. I just watched a video on it though and it looks tight.
There's a new forge map??? does it have water???
Can't wait to test that Tombo! So I've been working on something new. It's supposed to be another 4v4 map on erosion, but not sure how many it...
Dang, sorry I had to go yall something came up. I had a new map too /:
Today I shall try and get my second map ready for testing!
Sign me up please
Sorry yall, I haven't had time, and won't for a week, to look back at the maps to do my feedback. I'll try and do it by memory late tomorrow....
I LOVED playing on this every time. Even the first time I played this, it felt finished. It is definitely worth downloading and checking it out.
Ok can I quit forging now? Cause I will never be as good as this guy right here.
From what I can see, I'm likin the changes tombo, can't wait to test it again. I've made a few changes on Zinc: -The center now has a few more...
Yea I personally dislike the way power weapons are found in halo 4. I felt like it was more strategic to watch timers and be ready for the...
Yall think I should put ordanance drops on Zinc? I feel like people never really found all of the power weapons.
Did I quote that correctly? Thanks so much for the kind words. The gap in the window is just aesthetics. It's not meant to be jump/walk through...
Thanks for the feedback on Zinc yall. I'm thinking about changeing up the mid a bit and the side where the flag running hit a dead stop. I don't...
This in like 7 min? I just got home , I'd love to join
Yippee! Sign me up please
I like these new changes for the most part. I'm glad that we have someone leading this that will actually change things for the participants. If...