I still play the first, right now working on a few titles and VQ's, and gw2 looks amazing
I see that you like to play gw
- Kill Hitler myself to be known as the guy who killed him - Before my friend died of cancer in 2009, the one thing I wished I did was visit him,...
Cod basically has a low number of weapons except different versions. Like an automatic assualt rifle, burst rifle, SMG, LMG, bolt action sniper...
Damn that reminded me to install tinted windows when I get a car
YouTube - Battle: Los Angeles - Trailer 2 - Official HD - The Reel Place Anyone else interested? Shitty title I know lol. Plus Michelle Rodriguez
I'll be getting a 2008 Nissan Sentra soon, it's a really nice car. [IMG]
The most overlooked and amazing game ever. Even today its amazing fun. [IMG] I would sacrafice a entire village for a XBL download with online...
Halo reach 360, ask me anything
[IMG] That and either Crysis 2 or Homefront
I'm buying just to have solid proof that the game isn't vaporware, good or not.
What about the game Duke? Was it any good? Yeah but after 12 ****ing years it should be
YouTube - Lost In the World - Kanye West (My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy) My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy = Eargasms
Yeah this game looks great, it has potential to be a Battle Field or Call of Duty. Plus 32 players will be epic.
Ya I didn't expect them to beat the Pat's either, they probably were just so determined to win after that previous loss. I think the Steelers got...
Anybody in Pitt's ready to roast Rex Ryan?
Maybe after Halo 3, the elites are still in a war with the brutes, and you play as the arbiter. Humans come as allies, but there are still a...
The big difference is forge, it adds a ton of replay value to the maps, all of them. Tell me how much foundry, avalanche, and sandbox was worth...
This map seems like it would belong in the casual map section. Can you see this map in match making someday supporting an even 4v4, 8v8 (Whatever...
I guess second place is the non bias winner, I won't vote because I only played like 2 games this year, Reach and minecraft's trial version.