What a killer game 8-1 Bruins are not out
YouTube - Halo: Anniversary Exclusive‏ ViDoc for the remake, lots of gameplay
They had clones for halo 1 and 2 for Co-Op with no explanation, dont think anyone would freak out if they did the same. Anyways, this is very...
Canucks 2 bruins 0 Game 2 was bullshit burrows should have bin pulled out
Only a minority of gamers will pay for that ****.
My sig?
Apothis and wars are the only thing i think could end the world any time soon
THE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'SSSSSSS!!!!! I'm really hoping for the Bruins the Celtics and Sox got me depressed plus...
Hahaha this **** again
Has anyone else bin following the Mortal Kombat Legacy web series? I think its bin great so far especially this latest story about Raiden it's...
I swear this will be my last CoD, I want to finish up on the modern warfare story and place a bullet in Makarov's head! Plus this is the only...
Yeah Obama was waiting for the apprentice so he could interupt it and the royal wedding with epic news. Look, Al Quada has confirmed it,...
Walgreens + buy credit gift card + ????? = Profit
Can anyone upload the killcam? and also this song should be played at his funeral YouTube - America - **** YEAH!!!
Greatest hide and seek player ever. No but seriously good ****ing ridence
Anyone know if worlds can be used on 2 computers with 1 account or no?
Maybe they should just reduce damage taken by friendly damage like damage dealt to team members is reduced by 50% or resistance to team mate...
It gives you a nice boost, but nothing infinite compared to the glitched boosters, they are still better. They are also quite costly requiring a...
I'm ready!!! HOW BOUT YOU!?