I was really loving the multiplayer today until I was no longer able to play casual. I thought ok there probably wont be any difference in the...
[spoiler] also [spoiler]
Day one purchase no questions asked. I LOOOOOVED saints row 2, but I found it too easy I'm hoping for more challenges this time around and I...
Like others said: I'd wait on CEA. I'm also getting Gears Of War 3, Battlefield 3, Saints Row 3, and Skyrim (C-c-c-c-combo breaker!!!!). I hope...
Like i said in another thread im without power because of irene allow me to rage real quick: WHAT THE **** NATIONAL GRID!!!!! YOU STUPID SHITS...
I live just south of boston and we havent had any power since sunday because national grid executives are ****ing tools. Its 10pm right now and my...
343 Industries says hi
I loved a lot of the music in Guild Wars. Jeremy Soule makes most of them. He also did the music for Oblivion. [spoiler] He's pretty flexible...
Guild Wars 1. Still waiting on 2
Mortal Kombat: Freddy Krueger DLC Trailer‏ - YouTube
Wait what I dont even...
Neither MW3 or BF3 are really innovating the FPS genre. With that being said however, Battlefield 3. It does offer new and or interesting...
Rick's Minecraft Tales‏ - YouTube
You can understand it, but the console cant. The Mic is only programed to transmit voices to other players. The Kinect is programed to understand...
Such an amazing and ironic scene. RIP Ryan, his antics brought many laughs through out the years of jackass.
Bruins **** yeah!!!! #drunkposting
Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins! Lets go bruins!...
Crytek is a great company, but I hope they keep Timesplitters the same as in lots of crazy characters, maps, weapons, and map creators. They could...
I've bin playing this game for a few days and I'm liking it. It has a TON of maps, havent had a chance to download or make makes because I'm not...