Godly in Madden
I wouldn't get my hopes up for an urban environment, seeing as how the game takes place on Requiem, not Earth or a human colony like Reach.
Taking Back Sunday - MakeDamnSure - YouTube They played this song at the gym and fell in love with the song all over again, I guess I forgot...
Still haven't found a legit ***** enlarger either.
Well then call me immature because these are the kinds of videos I can actually laugh out loud alone.
I was paying HIS gym membership for 5 months and he only went once and he complained when I cancelled it. He's a lost ****ing cause.
Anyone else watch these videos? They are freaking hilarious I could pull a quote from each of their videos. WOW LOTTA **** GOING ON HERE! And you,...
Yeah I've been meaning to do that and long boarding it's just that I need to buy either of those and I don't ever have a lot of spending money...
My dad has been unemployed for 2 years. He's tried to go back to work a few times but each time his employers thought he was too unhealthy so they...
I feel like rugby has a little bit of soccer influence and football was influenced by it. I'd play hockey too if I learned how to skate, never...
Football, I play defensive tackle. I only played in high school and made some of my best friends from it because of the daily struggle of...
This will be the only game I'm looking forward too, been anxiously awaiting for it since Eye Of The North came out. Yep, that long lol. I run gw1...
I think I'll still stick around, post every now and then.
Hey everybody, long time no talk. I've been very busy as of late spending my weekdays with commuting to school, working out, working, and...
The campaign was there so you had something to do when the servers would inevitably fail when it first came out. ****ing EA.
So i got a kill with the skidloader 10 minuntes after deciding I'd go for the "Like a boss" achievo. Someone was running from a tank that just...
I want to do this
Woah guy, I didn't actually know that's why my teams were breaking. I love this game to death, I play a lot and just got my service star for the...
I hate how complicated it is to play on the same team with a friend. We party up first, join a game, and 75% of the time, we wont be in the same...