Way to break the color progression, Melt. This is HONKSTEP Orkestra Del Sol - This is Honkstep - YouTube
the only thing in school that really held my attention was anthropology, so now I'm trying to do a masters in it. It's evolutionary anth. so it's...
Music from Saharan Cellphones | sahelsounds
hey that's really close, you're literally like 3 miles away from me right now, lol. we should grab a pint (in unison) sometime, you can be my...
well yes, that's what occupies a good deal of my time lately
a little more back on-topic... I think PETA has taken as a truism that animal rights is the natural next step after the civil rights movement...
GRANDADDY - NOW ITS ON - YouTube Roller Starter - Another Asswipe - YouTube
Tim Armstrong - Hold On - YouTube
OK, I see what you're saying, that "Every" could conceivably be taken as "without any particular numeric limit". They didn't actually use the word...
Why do you think that's the core of my argument? I can just as easily defend everything I've said with human interest arguments. Despite...
fine, whatever. I don't care. See my comments above that quote.
That is entirely possible. If I could ask them, I would. But at this point, it's not about Penn & Teller, as they are not available for...
It's cool Peg, I'm more than happy to debate this with him. Shuman is your memory so short that you think I can't flesh out and defend an...
Hardly. That line was just the punctuation to a broadly misrepresentative treatment of the animal testing issue overall. In fact, the entire...
It didn't ring of parody to me, I've watched this episode a few times. I loose respect for them because I don't think I've ever disagreed with a...
Penn and Teller - P.E.T.A. (Full Episode) - YouTube
28:42 in that particular Penn & Teller episode almost made me loose every ounce of respect I ever had for them.
I think we're discribing two sides of the same coin, or the same thing with different definitions for our terms. At any rate, if you define...
Good points being made Pac and Tit. I'd like to participate more in this but I'm afraid the best I can do for now is a short list of [disjointed?]...
I didn't say 'keep what he earns' I said 'make as much as possible by any means necessary'. And I just said that because Limbaugh is the person...