I'm not sure how many people have mentioned this by now but I strongly need to -at least- second it. Please allow me the option to ascend and...
Imagine something like Microsoft releasing a highly appealing new version of Office while neglecting to mention that files created on a previous...
Does anybody have any thoughts on the prospect of some sort of utility being developed that could convert H3 and H4 forge files from 360 to the...
Just answering from memory and intuition, take with grain of salt. Cooldown time is the length of time before the pad will make another vehicle....
Dat debate forum.
I think you are all missing the point of the xkcd strip entirely. It's saying that these exact same thoughts we are having, that things are now...
which are spin-offs of Invasion, VIP, and Territories The point is that the game they are now claiming to have invented is an exact duplicate of...
Another crisis of honesty? Or is this little fib the only way they could put it into MM without legitimizing modding? It's cool news either way,...
Yes I have, he's taught me a lot. Mostly just lectures on youtube. Someone commented that they listen to him the same way they listen to music,...
Alan Watts <3
Obviously not. But I'm already so soured on the whole xbox 1 as well as the current state of Halo 4 that I am susceptible to jump to conclusions....
Well, I'm done here. It's been fun guys. I was already 90% sure there would be no xbox 1 in my future. Now 100%.
I can't get Longbow to come up anymore but I can't imagine this being any good. Gauss hogs have no place in matchmaking to begin with. Longbow was...
Kinda my impression of it as well. The automatics buff and movement speed increase were 2 steps too far IMO. I thought the movement and jump...
Well that saves me the trouble.
Dinosaurs didn't just wreck their ecosystem and kill everything in their presence. We can see this today, that if a predator's food gets thin, so...
The mischaracterization of evolutionary theory is rampant. In every instance I have ever seen a creationist attack it, they have employed a straw...