Lolol, nice =]
Lol you're a douche xD "I'll tell GM's about that" ROFL xD Anyway as for the OP. This stuff is all well and good but I find it odd that are...
LOLk =]
Well that's sweet now isn't it... o_O
Hey who what? o_O? Lulz, what about it? I Have no idea what you're talking about
Err... Oh good =D
oic =]
You seemed to be very anti-reynbow
Maybe I took something you said the wrong way then... I dunno.
I know, he's sexy.
Or you could just edit this one to make me want to read it... But eh =]
Oh I see what you did there, you tricky little bugger =D EDIT: Just a side note, if you actually want people to read all that bollocks then don't...
Ha nice =]
Yeah maybe
Lol really, I call it some crazy ass **** but hey. Each to their own. Questions, how'd you make this. Program etc.. Inspiration? Are you...
I guess I'll be the first to say... What the mother ****er?
Err well what I find ironic is the fact that both the wallpaper and the theme used in the screenshot has already been posted in this thread... =]...
You lost me at the end.
Git... Can I just say that and walk away?... Meh.